Tips For Making Pizzaria-Quality Pizza Dough At Home

Posted on: 17 July 2015

If you have not been successful at making your own pizza dough at home, then you will be happy to know that there are some simple things you can do to greatly improve its quality. Making good pizza dough is a skill, and by following these tips you can improve your pizza dough making skills today: Tip 1: Choose the Right Flour Since the main ingredient in pizza dough is flour, choosing the correct type of flour will greatly improve your pizza crust quality and texture.
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The Delicious Donair Migration

Posted on: 27 May 2015

Canada is experiencing a western migration of a culinary nature.  The Halifax donair, also known as the doner, donner, gyro, kebab, doner kebab, and kebab, is making its way across the continent from Nova Scotia, where it was created in the early 70's.  Originally meant to be more of a gyro type food, the donairevolved into a ground-beef based sandwich that is primarily served in pizza places throughout the nation:
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4 Take Out Alternatives To Pizza

Posted on: 15 May 2015

Not everyone loves pizza. This may come as a surprise to pizza lovers, but it's true. This doesn't mean that they can't get take-out Italian food. While many Italian restaurants primarily sell pizza, they also make lots of other delicious Italian dishes. So, the next time your looking at take-out menus, don't disregard the Italian restaurant just because you don't care for pizza. Here are some great meals you might want to order.
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How To Cut Calories And Fat When Ordering Pizza

Posted on: 11 May 2015

It's possible to go out and enjoy a slice or two of pizza now and again without blowing your diet. The trick is making the right choices when you place your order. From the crust to that last piece of pepperoni, these methods will ensure you can have your pizza and eat it, too. From the Crust Up The crust is where the bulk of the problematic carbs, sugars, and calories are.
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